
Pink Passion Smoothie

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During the strawberry season, I stocked up on a lot of strawberries from the whole sale market. Getting them at a cheaper cost makes it affordable to buy in bulk and store them for future use. You can store them either as whole or make a compote which can be used on pancakes or toasts. Compote can be frozen as well.

1 cup chilled milk
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup pomogranate
2-3 thin slices of beetroot
2 dates, pitted


  1. Boil the beetroot slices in 1 cup of water. Strain and set it aside to cool.
  2. Soak the dates in 1/4 cup of boiled water to soften them for 10 mins.
  3. In a blender add milk and rest of the ingredients.
  4. Serve chilled.

Stay tuned for more smoothie and healthy recipes.

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