This recipe has been passed down for 2 generations. Every family has there own recipe and measurements, this is the way its made at home. Classic and authentic.

1 cup gram flour, sifted,
1 cup + 1 cup ghee,
2 cups granulated sugar,
1/2 cup water,
A pinch of edible camphor,

Before you start:
- Make sure you have all the ingredients measured out and kept in separate vessels.
- Keep a 10 – inch steel plate or square baking tray greased with ghee ready.
- Keep separate ladles for separate pans.
- You need to be very quick while making Mysore Pak and require complete concentration. So try to make it while you are alone.
- You would need two different kadhai’s or heavy bottomed pans. One large and one small.
- In the big pan, put the sugar and water and allow it to come to a boil.
- Side by side, in the small pan, add 1 cup of ghee and allow it to melt completely. The remaining 1 cup will be used later, so keep that in the melted form also handy.
- Once the sugar syrup becomes becomes sticky, reduce the flame.
- Once the ghee has adequately heated, but not until smoking point, add the gram flour slowly but making sure you are stirring it continuously. Remove all lumps and now this will look like a paste.
- Now put this gramflour paste into the sugar syrup making sure you are stirring continuously.
- Mix well and let this mixture come together and making sure you are stirring continuously. This is a must. Keep the flame at sim at all times.
- After about 7 mins of continuous stirring, add half of the ghee from the other 1 cup you had set aside.
- Keep stirring until the mix looks like a thick pudding.
- Now add the remaining half cup as well and mix well. The entire ghee should be absorbed into the mix and that will happen only when stirred continuously.
- Add a pinch of edible camphor at this stage. If not available, use super fine cardamom powder.
- At this stage you need to be very attentive. The mixture will start to froth or double up, something like when a bread dough with yeast rises. At this stage quickly turn off the heat and pour this into the greased plate.
- Gently flatten out the mixture evenly and allow it to cool sligtly.
- Insert a kinfe at the edge of the plate and if it comes clean, then this is ready to be cut into pieces.
- Cut into shape and size of your choice. I prefer diamonds 🙂
- Store in an airtight container.

This is absolutely delicious. The aroma that fills the house with the ghee and gramflour is outstanding. Enjoy 🙂